The Gurus and Bhagats were not only God-Connected Within, they were also excellent communicators, poets, writers, and presenters. They effectively used idioms / metaphors to explain very complex spiritual Messages.… Continue reading Gur Charan Kamal, Gur Charan Dhoorh and Gur Moorat
Tag: wash
Chully – Handful of Water
Literally, Chully (ਚੁੱਲੀ) is to take a handful of water for external cleansing at the so called religious places (e.g. ritual cleansing of mouth or face – ਕੁਰਲੀ etc.). Specifically,… Continue reading Chully – Handful of Water
Gurbani Stresses on the Importance of Internal Cleanliness and not the External One
The greatest denial or rejection (Khandan-ਖੰਡਨ) of bathing at the so called shrines of pilgrimage is given by the Gurbani – the Gurmat Wisdom of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib… Continue reading Gurbani Stresses on the Importance of Internal Cleanliness and not the External One