Bathing in water removes dirt from the body-frame, and bathing in Gurbani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) removes filth of he MIND (vices/Bikaar — lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride… Continue reading Mind Must Bathe in the Pool of Wisdom/Virtues
Tag: Teerath
Gurbani Rejects Eclipse Rituals
From time immemorial, cultures have all sorts of responses to an eclipse, mainly fright or fear. This is because, in general, eclipses have been considered inauspicious events for thousands of… Continue reading Gurbani Rejects Eclipse Rituals
Gurbani Defines True Teerath-Pilgrimage in Sikhi
Most man-made religions recommend places of pilgrimage, encourage their followers to go on pilgrimages as a requirement. Sikhs were certainly not going to be left behind!! Ignoring the enlightening spiritual… Continue reading Gurbani Defines True Teerath-Pilgrimage in Sikhi
Gurbani Stresses on the Importance of Internal Cleanliness and not the External One
The greatest denial or rejection (Khandan-ਖੰਡਨ) of bathing at the so called shrines of pilgrimage is given by the Gurbani – the Gurmat Wisdom of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib… Continue reading Gurbani Stresses on the Importance of Internal Cleanliness and not the External One
Gurbani Says all Shrines and Pilgrimage are Within only if We were to Understand it!
The Gurmat Giyan–Wisdom of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) is Universal in every way. For example, if one were to understand the Gurbani (SGGS), it teaches the entire humanity… Continue reading Gurbani Says all Shrines and Pilgrimage are Within only if We were to Understand it!