The Gurmat Wisdom of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) teaches us that the purpose of reading / listening the Gurbani is to become Wise (Gurmukh: Enlightened / Guru-Shabad-Oriented mindset).… Continue reading Ritualistic Reading of the Gurbani
Tag: hearing
Spiritual Indigestion
When one eats without properly chewing (ਚੱਬਣ) the food, or eats more than one can chew, it results in bad-stomach or indigestion. Similarly, we get spiritual indigestion when we read… Continue reading Spiritual Indigestion
Listening Skills
Hearing / reading of the Shabad is physical. But, Listening is the mental Understanding of the Gur-Shabad – INTERNALIZATION of the Message of the Gur-Shabad, resulting in having Impact on our thought… Continue reading Listening Skills