What is essential to know is what most of us do not know: Virtues, Giaan-Wisdom, Bibek-Budhi, Internalizing the Enlightening Message of the Guru’s Shabad… Unfortunately, most of the readily available… Continue reading The Most Beautiful Place – So Thaan Suhaavaa
Tag: Giaan
Giyan Ratan: the Jewel of Wisdom
The Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) is the Giyan-Guru. It’s the Treasure and Jewel of the Wisdom (Giyan, Bibek…) for constant learning how to live life (Gurmukh Lifestyle). Also, the SGGS… Continue reading Giyan Ratan: the Jewel of Wisdom
Intellect Must Awaken to Wisdom
If one’s mind consistently watches itself, then that person is an intellectual. If we are willing to take and accept the Unique spiritual Wisdom of the Gurbani in the Sri… Continue reading Intellect Must Awaken to Wisdom
No Taker of Knowledge
Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) puts forth a universal Vichaar-Dhaaraa (Thought, Bibek or discernment, Giaan or Wisdom, view, etc.). We are given this Bani — the Treasure of Giyan-Wisdom —… Continue reading No Taker of Knowledge
The Egg of Doubt Must Burst
So long a baby bird is enslaved in the eggshell, its not free to fly around. Similarly, the humans mind is enslaved in an eggshell of ‘DOUBT’ (‘Bharam-ਭਰਮ’) etc. —… Continue reading The Egg of Doubt Must Burst