The Gurmat (Wisdom, Giaan, Upadesh, Sikhiaa, or Way of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) tells us that – on account of diversified activities or Virtues of the Dynamic Factor… Continue reading Sargun Nirgun – Visible and Invisible
Tag: Formless
Gurbani Defines Form of God
Worldly people have come to seek what we usually call God or Rabb in the most absurd of places. For example, people look for God exclusively in pictures (Moorat), paintings,… Continue reading Gurbani Defines Form of God
Gurbani Defines Nirankaaree
There are many terms in the Gurbani we use loosely or willy-nilly! One of these terms is “Nirankaaree” (ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰੀ). The Gurbani teaches us that becoming “Nirankaaree” is not a question… Continue reading Gurbani Defines Nirankaaree