Guru Nanak teaches the practical meditation in a natural form that is not bound by time, place, posture, position, special breathing practices, traditional methods of meditation, robotically reading/reciting a collection… Continue reading Gurmat Meditation – Simran…
Tag: Dhiaan
There can be no Dhiaan without Giaan
Dhiaan (ਧਿਆਨ) => attention, concentration, consideration, meditation, contemplation, reflection, heed, thought, focus, attention, self-communication, ਉੱਚੀ ਸੁਰਤ, ਬਿਰਤੀ, ਇਕਾਗਰਤਾ … Giaan (ਗਿਆਨ) => Divine Knowledge, Spiritual Wisdom, Aatam-Giaan, understanding or knowing… Continue reading There can be no Dhiaan without Giaan
Without Giaan, there can be no Dhiaan and Dharma
The Gurbani tells us that the Human birth is a valuable opportunity for the Jeevaatmaa caught in Dubidhaa (repeated suffering, duality, divided state-like a shattered seed or ਦਾਲ, douts- ਭਰਮ… Continue reading Without Giaan, there can be no Dhiaan and Dharma