Alphabetic index of all posts
This is a view of all the posts by titles here on our blog. You can get even more specific by checking out the tags or all categories / Topics.
- A Paradox
- A Pile of Bones, Filth and Worms
- A Real Spiritual Person is no Killjoy
- Aatam Tirath
- Acting without Being or Becoming
- Actions are the Louder Expressions of Thoughts
- Ajapaa Jaap
- An Empty Vessel Makes Most Noise
- Anand
- Antidote for Ignorance
- Anything that Appears will Soon Disappear
- As is the intellect so does one understands
- Asant and Asaadh
- Bad Behavior Inside Gurdwara is also Bad Outside!
- Battle of Life is Waged Moment to Moment
- Be in the World, but not of the World!
- Beast of Burden
- Beating the Empty Husk
- Beauty
- Become the Gurbani
- Being Detached: Affectionately
- Belly Stuffed but Empty Mind
- Beware of Praise!
- Bhagats and Worldly People Cannot be in Alliance
- Bhangaar – Mental Filth
- Bhav Sagar – the Ocean of Worldly Life…
- Birth is the Proof of Impending Death
- Bitter as Nimm
- Brahm Giyani
- Brahmins in Sikh Garbs and Casteism – Jaat Paat
- Bridge that Links Human Mind to God Within!
- Bring Dead Cow Back to Life?
- Build a Fence of Dharma
- Calculated Relationship with Guru or God
- Camel-Mind
- Chasing Mirage
- Chewing Iron!
- Chhinjh – Wresling Arena
- Chully – Handful of Water
- Churning the Gurbani
- Combat Against Own Self
- Common Sense is not Common!
- Comparing Life to Others’
- Conquer the Mind, Conquer the World!
- Core of Gurmat Spirituality – Kiv Sachiaaraa Hoeeai?
- Corrupt and the Best of the Best Men
- Crazy Mind
- Crookedness
- Crow-Mind
- Crowds follow the path of Falsehood, Pakhand…
- Cultivating Knowledge
- Daan – Giving in Charity
- Dance of the Mind Attached to Maya
- Dandout Bandan – Come with Mind Straight as a Stick
- Darkness and Light
- Death is not to be Feared
- Death of Haumai Brings Sukha
- Debugging the Mind
- Deceased Ancestors and Anti-Gurmat Rituals
- Deeming False to be Real
- Deeming Oneself Bhagat or Giaanee
- Deer-Mind!
- Deraa-Vaad Baabaas
- Destruction of Wall
- Develop Partnership with Virtues
- Dhaarmic con-artists
- Discernment of a Giyani
- Dog-Mind
- Don’t Take Anything at Face Value
- Dying in Shabad
- Egolessness Is Beauty
- Elephant-Mind
- Enchanting World-Picture
- Enjoy Grass Before it Grows on Top of You!
- Entire Gurbani is Naam
- Essence of Karma, Dharma, and Wisdom
- Evil Company – Kusang
- Explosion of the Gurbani’s Wisdom
- Eyes of Darshan and Vichaar
- Fakery and Pretensciousness of ‘Untouched’ food!
- False Ego-Sense Kills our Original Nature
- False Wealth and True Wealth
- Falsehood cannot Propagate Truth
- Fear exists only in Mind – Thoughts
- Fearlessness
- Fish Climbs a Tree!
- Flow of Desires
- Foolishness
- Frog-Mind
- Frozen Mind!
- Game of Life
- Gang Jamun
- Giyan Ratan: the Jewel of Wisdom
- Glimpses of God
- Glory of the Giyani
- Goal of Gurmat Based Sevaa
- Gobind in Me is Gobind in All
- Godly Contentment
- Good and Bad
- Gur Charan Kamal, Gur Charan Dhoorh and Gur Moorat
- Gur-Advice
- Gur-Shabad is the Antidote of Maya
- Gurbani Addresses the Human Mind
- Gurbani Asks Burn Mind’s Bikaar
- Gurbani can only be Comprehended Through Gurbani Itself
- Gurbani Debunks Casteism
- Gurbani Defines ‘Panth’
- Gurbani Defines ‘Sant’
- Gurbani Defines being Awake and Aware
- Gurbani Defines Fasting
- Gurbani Defines Form of God
- Gurbani Defines Ghost – Bhoot Pret
- Gurbani Defines Gurbani
- Gurbani Defines Kamdhenu
- Gurbani Defines Naam
- Gurbani Defines Nirankaaree
- Gurbani Defines Pardhaan, Leader…
- Gurbani Defines Parjat
- Gurbani Defines Renunciation
- Gurbani Defines True Teerath-Pilgrimage in Sikhi
- Gurbani Defines True Yoga and Yogi
- Gurbani Disapproves Counting Beads
- Gurbani is Meant to be Understood and Applied
- Gurbani is not Meant to Regurgitate Pre-1469 Belief System
- Gurbani on Absurdity of Conflicts among Man-Made Religions
- Gurbani on Learned Fools
- Gurbani on Meaningful and Mindful Poojaa
- Gurbani on Mental Traps
- Gurbani on Religious Paraphernalia
- Gurbani on the use of alcohol
- Gurbani Rejects Afterlife Reincarnation or Transmigration
- Gurbani Rejects any Geographical Location or Building as SACH KHAND
- Gurbani Rejects Beliefs in Kraamaat – Miracles…
- Gurbani Rejects Eclipse Rituals
- Gurbani Rejects Fake Hell and Heaven
- Gurbani Requires Mind to Focus on the Message
- Gurbani Says all Shrines and Pilgrimage are Within only if We were to Understand it!
- Gurbani Says Fire the Bomb of Wisdom
- Gurbani Says First Accept Death!
- Gurbani says Help Yourself Realize the Life’s Ultimate Purpose
- Gurbani Says Investigate the Mind
- Gurbani Says Judge Yourself Not Others
- Gurbani Says Mind Must Become a Temple!
- Gurbani Says only a Rare Person Realizes Truth
- Gurbani Says We are in a State of Sleep Paralysis
- Gurbani Says Well Filled with Amrit is Within Your Body
- Gurbani Speaks of one Universal Dharma of Virtues
- Gurbani Stresses on the Importance of Internal Cleanliness and not the External One
- Gurbani Teaches the Real Harmandir is within human body
- Gurbani Teaches to be Humble even if You are Intelligent or Powerful
- Gurbani’s Eternal Truth
- Gurbani’s Message of Universal Appeal, Oneness…
- Gurbani’s Sooraa – Braveheart
- Gurbani’s wisdom is meant to be understood and lived
- Gurmat and Shabad Vichaar
- Gurmat and Social Change
- Gurmat and the Evil Practice of Dowry
- Gurmat Concept of Death
- Gurmat Meditation – Simran…
- Gurmat Recommends Shabad Based Householder’s Life
- Gurmat Spirituality is Practical and Universal
- GurSikhs Solve the Riddle
- Guru Sikhiaa Deekhiaa
- Happiness – Sukh …
- Happy New Year!
- Haraamkhor Conduct
- Haumai Maya
- He is Kulvant, Patvant, Dhanvant …
- Hearing Alone is not Enough!
- Hell and its dwellers
- Hirdaa-the Spiritual Heart
- How Beings Become Maya’s Slave
- How does Thakur abides in Consciousness
- How is Satsangat to be Known
- Hukam is the Core of Sikhi
- Human Mind Acting Like Animals
- Humans and Animals Consume Another Life
- Hummas Dhummas
- I-Am-the-Body Idea
- Igniting Spark
- Imitation: People See, People do
- Immensely Profound Yet Simple
- Inconceivable Practice of Siropa in Diwans
- Inner Purity Vs. Outer Purity
- Intellect Must Awaken to Wisdom
- Is Gurmat a Doctrine or a Sidhaant?
- It’s the Mind that Needs to Become a Sikh
- It’s Worth It
- Jaat Paat – Madness of Casteism in Sikhi
- Jali Thali Maheeali
- Jot Saroop – Mind’s Original Nature
- Jum Doot, Dharma Raj, and Chitr Gupt
- Keep Aimed at Target
- Kirtan as Envisaged by the Gurbani
- Knowledge is Taken, not Given
- Laahaa and Kufakarhe
- Ladles do not know the Taste of Dishes They Cruise in!
- Leave Ego Personality and Shoes Outside!
- Length of Life is One Breath!
- Liberation From Slavery of Outer Domination
- Life of Security and Sukh
- Light Symbolizes Knowledge
- Listening Skills
- Live in the Present Moment – Here and Now
- Living Dead!
- Looking Pious and Mahatma Outside but Fraud Inside
- Make Ten Senses Widows
- Man Invented Invisible God and Related Fear, Blind Faith, Fantasy…
- Man Minus False Ego Becomes Godlike
- Man Tears up his own Roots
- Mental Blindness
- Mere Bowing is of no Avail
- Mere Seeing of the SGGS Will Not Liberate
- Microcosm in Macrocosm…
- Mind Clinging to Maya can’t be Trusted
- Mind Happens to Us, We don’t Happen to Mind
- Mind Knowingly Commits Demerits
- Mind Must Bathe in the Pool of Wisdom/Virtues
- Mind Must Remain in its Khorr – True Home
- Mind Reconciles Mind
- Mind That Gives up Hunger for Maya Realizes its Mool
- Mithiya
- Monkey-Mind
- Mool – ਮੂਲ
- Mool Realization cannot be Made to an Order
- Mortality
- Mr. God or Madam God!
- Naam Padaarath and Giaan Padaarath
- Naam Sevaa
- Naam Unites All
- Nanak, there is Only One Amrit – ਨਾਨਕ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਏਕੁ ਹੈ
- Nature – Kudrat – is Capable of Self Correcting
- Nature of Mayaic Delusion: Part 1
- Nature of Mayaic Delusion: Part 2
- Nature of Mayaic Delusion: Part 3
- Nij Ghar
- No Taker of Knowledge
- Non-Gurmukh Mindset – Manmukh, Saakat, Mayadhaaree…
- Nonsense Rituals and Superstitions
- Not Liable For Change
- O God! What Should I Beg for From You
- O Wandering Mind! Come Home
- Oblivious to the Passage of Time
- Oily Rag and the Human Mind
- Omnipresent God
- One Dog and Two Bitches
- One knows the Truth only When
- One Without Wisdom is Plundered
- Opening Verse – Guru Nanak’s concept of ‘God’
- Paap Punn – Ritualistic Vices and Virtues
- Panch Ko Jhagraa
- Passing Shadow
- Planting Naam
- Poison or Medicine
- Pride Rots the Mind
- Pujaaree System Wants People Remain Ignorant, Fearful, Ritualistic…
- Purpose of Human Birth
- Rabid Dog and Greed
- Rain of Naam
- Ram of the Gurmat
- Reading and Memorizing Gurbani is of no Avail Unless…
- Real Seeker of Truth
- Realize Enlightening Message Embedded within Shabad
- Realize God’s Presence Within
- Rebel Mind-King and its Formidable Fortress
- Reform and Make Oneself Better
- Regular Flowers Versus the Lotus of the Heart
- Rehat of the Entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib
- Religious Rituals – Karamkaand
- Riding the Horse of Self-Reflection
- Ritualistic Reading of the Gurbani
- Rituals Bind Us in Egotism
- Rol Ghacholaa
- Rope Mistaken for a Snake!
- Rusted Mind
- Sahaj and Bhagti Score over Empty Scholarships
- Sahib and Sewak is One
- Sandalwood Mind
- Sargun Nirgun – Visible and Invisible
- Satee Defined
- Search Ownself – Know Yourself
- Search, Seek and Understand
- Self-Efforts
- Self-Transcendence
- Seven Days of a Sikh
- Shabad Consciousness VS Body Consciousness
- Shabad Langar
- Sign of Union with God
- Signs of Mool Realization
- Sikhi and Origin of Universe, Evolution of Life…
- Sikhi of Guru Nanak and Caring of the Environment
- Sikhi of the Clergy – Pujaaree
- Sikhi Teaches to Discard priestly Class
- Sikhi: a New ‘Way’ of Life
- Silkworm
- Slander vs. Speaking Truth
- Slave of the Senses
- Small Pool vs. Ocean
- Son Born Before his Mother!
- Soojh Boojh
- Sootak Redefined
- Spiritual Development
- Spiritual Indigestion
- Spiritual Surgery
- Spiritual Wisdom Protects from Deception and Fraud
- Spirituality is Antidote to Substance Abuse…
- Step onto my Path with Your Head in Hand
- Storm of Wisdom
- Stubborn Mindedness – a Mental Disease
- Stubborn Mindedness – Cooking Own Separate Food
- Stubborn Mindedness – Counting Beads
- Stubborn Mindedness – Examples
- Stubborn Mindedness – Getting Rid of it
- Stubborn Mindedness – Polluted Thinking
- Stubborn Mindedness – Reading or Listening Gurbani
- Stubborn Mindedness – Religious Robes
- Stubborn Mindedness – Ritual Bathing
- Stuck Half-Way
- Suhaagan And Duhaagan
- Suhelaa And Duhelaa
- Sukh Sagar
- Symbolism of Elephant-Crocodile Story
- Target of a Sikh in Life Per the Gurbani
- Teerath Yaatraa – Pilgrimage
- The Best Miracle
- The Best of All
- The Dog’s Tail
- The Egg of Doubt Must Burst
- The Gurmukh Never Grows Old!
- The Miser
- The Most Beautiful Place – So Thaan Suhaavaa
- The Path on which Panihaaree is Plundered
- The Right Path
- The Satgur’s Sword of Wisdom
- The Ultimate Medicine
- There can be no Dhiaan without Giaan
- There can be no Naam without Shabad
- There is no Second
- These people are Real Donkeys
- This World is a Dream
- To be Born is One Thing but to be Truly Alive Quite Another!
- Toe To Top
- Trapping of Elephant and Human MIND
- Treat others as you want others treat you
- True Company – SatSangat, SadhSangat
- True Guru in Sikhi!
- True knowledge
- True Love and Lover
- True Wine
- Truly Rich
- Truth is not Realized Until…
- Truthful Living is the Highest Form of Living
- Tuesday
- Two aspects of Jeeva
- Two Birds
- Two Hukam
- Two Kinds of Cleverness
- Two Minds
- Two Types of Living and Dying
- Two Types of People, Two Sides
- Understanding Truth
- Unique Gurmat Bhagti
- Unloading the Excess Baagage
- Unspoken Speach-Akath Kathaa
- Uphill Climb
- Use of Fantastic Idioms by Bhagat Kabeer Jee!
- Useless Talk
- Using Wisdom
- Vaisakh is Beautiful!
- Victory and Defeat
- Waiting for Retirement to Take to Spirituality!
- Way of the Gurbani is the Way of Understanding
- Ways of the World
- We all Act in Accordance with the Nature of our Mind
- We are Neither the Body nor the Mind
- We Cannot Hide Our Actions
- We Pay for Dishonesty
- We Try Purchasing Satguru Instead of Selling Our Mind
- We’re only as Good as the Company We Keep
- Wednesday
- Weighing the Egotism
- What comes and goes is not Real
- What is Karma?
- What is Killing the Mind
- What is Maya?
- What is Mind?
- What is the use?
- Whatever is in the Mind Comes Forth
- When ‘This’ and ‘That’ blend to become ‘One’
- When Reading the Word, no Need to Shout so Loud
- Where does Soul go after Physical Death?
- White Blood in Veins!
- Who Am I?
- Who can Say the Guru is Dead?
- Who is Greater?
- Within Body are Five Lions and Ten Wolves!
- Without Giaan, there can be no Dhiaan and Dharma
- Without Knowledge and Naam
- World is Consumed by Hidden Fire
- Wring Hands