Stubborn mindedness is critiqued and rejected (Khandan) in the Gurmat Wisdom of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS). A stubborn person is a person of blind-mind (Un-enlightened, Manmukh-Saakat-Mayadhaaree). Hence, the Gurbani enshrined in the SGGS time and again urges us to destroy stubborn mindedness (ਮਨ ਹਠ), before it destroys one’s Divine Life (ਆਤਮਕ ਜੀਵਨ).
- ਮਨਹਠਿ ਕਰਮ ਕਰੇ ਸੋ ਛੀਜੈ ॥ : Who performs ritualistic deeds in stubborn mindedness, he spiritually deteriorates. (sggs 1059).
- ਮਨਹਠਿ ਕਿਨੈ ਨ ਪਾਇਆ ਕਰਿ ਉਪਾਵ ਥਕੇ ਸਭੁ ਕੋਇ ॥ : No one has realized God by (rituals, etc. done through) stubborn mindedness. All grow weary of (such empty) efforts. (sggs 19).
However, it’s not so easy to get rid of stubborn mindedness! Because, first of all, from the very childhood we are systematically led into stubbornly believing in anti-Gurmat traditions or practices and useless rituals (Karamkaand).
- ਹੁਕਮੁ ਨ ਜਾਣਹਿ ਬਪੁੜੇ ਭੂਲੇ ਫਿਰਹਿ ਗਵਾਰ ॥ ਮਨਹਠਿ ਕਰਮ ਕਮਾਵਦੇ ਨਿਤ ਨਿਤ ਹੋਹਿ ਖੁਆਰੁ ॥: The wretched do not understand the Creator’s Hukam (Cosmic System-Rule-Law of Nature, ਕੁਦਰਤੀ ਨਿਯਮ). They wander around in delusion, and perform deeds stubborn mindedly, (but stuck in vices/Bikaar), each and everyday they are spiritually ruined. (sggs 66).
From the childhood we have been listening to the Gurbani’s meanings or interpretation from the Mayadhaarees-Mamukh-Saakat (duplicate, stubborn minded, unenlightened, self-serving Pujaaree etc.). Consequently, the majority of us (99.9 percent category) have no clue as to what the real or true Sikhi or Sikhi Way of life of the Gurbani is.
Maya is stubborn and persistent; so is Mayadhaarees-Mamukh-Saakat who persistently lives a life of vices/Bikaar (i.e. lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride etc.).
- ਮਨਮੁਖੀ ਮਨਹਠਿ ਹਾਰਿਆ ਕੂੜੁ ਕੁਸਤੁ ਕਮਾਇ ॥ : The Manmukhs (unenlightened), through stubborn mindedness and the practice of falsehood, lose the game of life. (sggs 87).
Prisoned in the fortress of ignorance, deceptive Maya has shut its stubborn doors on us; consequently — in the darkness of ignorance — we cannot see the Light (of Wisdom). Since our stubborn mindedness does not allow us to plant seeds of spiritual Wisdom (Gur-Giyan) here and NOW; we will have nothing to show for the future.
Caught in the love of duality (division, two-ness, Doojaa-Bhaav), thus, we have forgotten the treasure of the Naam (Wisdom / Virtues …). Instead, we attach our worldly conscience to the foul-smelling pile of ‘filth‘, which is transitory, like the fading color of the safflower. In stubbornness, mind wanders in ten direction; continually spinning around, like the potter’s wheel.
- ਮਨਹਠਿ ਜੋ ਕਮਾਵੈ ਤਿਲੁ ਨ ਲੇਖੈ ਪਾਵੈ ਬਗੁਲ ਜਿਉ ਧਿਆਨੁ ਲਾਵੈ ਮਾਇਆ ਰੇ ਧਾਰੀ ॥ : One who acts (performs religious acts etc.) through stubborn mindedness is of no account at all (his actions are of no avail); because still stuck in Maya he pretends to meditate, like a crane. (sggs 687).
This brings us to the following question: How can the stubborn-mindedness (conditioned consciousness, ignorance, foolishness…) be annihilated? As counseled by the Gurbani, we can shun stubborn-mindedness by replacing it with Shabad-Vichaar.
- ਗੁਰ ਸਬਦੀ ਹਰਿ ਪਾਈਐ ਹਰਿ ਪਾਰਿ ਲਘਾਇ ॥ ਮਨਹਠਿ ਕਿਨੈ ਨ ਪਾਇਓ ਪੁਛਹੁ ਵੇਦਾ ਜਾਇ ॥: Through the Guru Shabad, God is realized, and this God realization guides one swim across the worldly ocean of vices/Bikaar. Through stubborn-mindedness, none have realized God; go and consult the Vedas on this. (sggs 86).
- ਮਨੁ ਕਠੋਰੁ ਸਬਦਿ ਭੇਦਿ ਤੂੰ ਸਾਂਤਿ ਵਸੈ ਮਨਿ ਆਇ ॥ ਸਾਂਤੀ ਵਿਚਿ ਕਾਰ ਕਮਾਵਣੀ ਸਾ ਖਸਮੁ ਪਾਏ ਥਾਇ ॥ : Pierce your stone like mind by internalizing the spiritual Message embedded in the Guru Shabad; so that peace (Sahaj, Sabar, humbleness, tolerance etc.) may come to reside in your mind. Good deeds done in this state of peace usher one to realize God. (sggs 551).
Just as a blind cannot see a garden of beautiful flowers, just as a drunkard cannot be instructed in the subtleties of spirituality, just as hair cannot grow on a tortoise’s shell, just as a dead cannot get up and run, just as a lotus cannot grow on a rock, and just as there is no oil in the grains of sand, similarly, the stubborn mindedness is not conducive for Bhagti or Shabad-Vichaar.
- ਮਨਹਠਿ ਤਰਫ ਨ ਜਿਪਈ ਜੇ ਬਹੁਤਾ ਘਾਲੇ ॥ : Stubborn-mindedness will not win over God, no matter how much one tries. (sggs 787).
the Gurmat Wisdom of the SGGS teaches us that the stubborn minded people imitate or copy other people and go astray — people see, people do!
- ਕਬੀਰ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ਪੂਜਹਿ ਮੋਲਿ ਲੇ ਮਨਹਠਿ ਤੀਰਥ ਜਾਹਿ ॥ ਦੇਖਾ ਦੇਖੀ ਸ੍ਵਾਂਗੁ ਧਰਿ ਭੂਲੇ ਭਟਕਾ ਖਾਹਿ ॥੧੩੫॥ : Kabeer, stubborn minded people buy idols to worship and go to pilgrimage (Tirath Yatra). They imitating others wearing religious garbs, they go astray from the true Way of life and wander in vain. ||135|| (sggs 1371).
The Gurbani challenges us to constantly struggle with the mind, and become the Gurmukh (Enlightened / Guru Shabad-Oriented) Here and Now.
- ਇਕਿ ਆਵਹਿ ਇਕਿ ਜਾਵਹੀ ਪੂਰਿ ਭਰੇ ਅਹੰਕਾਰਿ ॥ ਮਨਹਠਿ ਮਤੀ ਬੂਡੀਐ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸਚੁ ਸੁ ਤਾਰਿ ॥੧॥: Totally filled with false ego-sense, some come and go (suffer again and again at the level of the mind). Through the stubbornness of the intellect, one is drowned in the ocean of vices/Bikaar; but as Gurmukh (enlightened/Guru Shabad-Oriented) one is saved by God realization ||1|| (sggs 20).
Some related posts:
- Stubborn Mindedness – a Mental Disease
- Stubborn Mindedness – Cooking Own Separate Food
- Stubborn Mindedness – Counting Beads
- Stubborn Mindedness – Examples
- Stubborn Mindedness – Polluted Thinking
- Stubborn Mindedness – Reading or Listening Gurbani
- Stubborn Mindedness – Religious Robes
- Stubborn Mindedness – Ritual Bathing
- Gurbani on Religious Paraphernalia
- Non-Gurmukh Mindset – Manmukh, Saakat, Mayadhaaree…
- Calculated Relationship with Guru or God
- Gurbani Disapproves Counting Beads
- Rituals – Karamkaand
- Pujaaree System Wants People Remain Ignorant, Fearful, Ritualistic…
- Imitation: People See, People do
- Crowds follow the path of Falsehood, Pakhand…
- Realize Enlightening Message Embedded within Shabad