It was the use of reason and observation that led Guru Nanak to express his own views on the vastness of the Cosmos, the time of its creation, evolution of… Continue reading Sikhi and Origin of Universe, Evolution of Life…
Fakery and Pretensciousness of ‘Untouched’ food!
Such Un-Gurmat traditions have come in Sikhi that before eating food, some – ‘Brahmins in Sikh garbs‘ – pretensciously ask who has cooked the food, who has touched the food… Continue reading Fakery and Pretensciousness of ‘Untouched’ food!
True Company – SatSangat, SadhSangat
One’s thinking (thoughts: Soch-ਸੋਚ) is formed from ‘Sangat‘ (ਸੰਗਤ: company, association). In turn, one’s actions and habits are the louder expression of one’s thinking (thoughts: Soch). Implication is that Good… Continue reading True Company – SatSangat, SadhSangat
Gurbani can only be Comprehended Through Gurbani Itself
The Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) is the most Unique philosophy of life. This is an Enlightening Message of universality for all. It is the divine Giyan-Wisdom of freedom from… Continue reading Gurbani can only be Comprehended Through Gurbani Itself
Gurbani Defines Kamdhenu
In order to CONVEY the truth of the BANI, all 35 composers of Bani (ਬਾਣੀਕਾਰ) who are included in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) have used language, vocabulary, beliefs,… Continue reading Gurbani Defines Kamdhenu