The Gurus and Bhagats were not only God-Connected within, they were also excellent communicators, poets, writers, and presenters. They effectively used idioms / metaphors to explain very complex spiritual Messages.… Continue reading Frozen Mind!
Category: Sahaj
A Real Spiritual Person is no Killjoy
The popular picture of a spiritual or Dhaarmic person is presented as someone freeloader (‘ਮਖਟੂ’) with a flowing beard, serious looking, grim-faced, busy correcting and guiding others, no time or… Continue reading A Real Spiritual Person is no Killjoy
Sahaj and Bhagti Score over Empty Scholarships
The Gurmat Wisdom of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) talks about learned or educated fools — fool scholars (‘Parhiyaa Moorakh‘). Empty Scholarships In a nutshell, devoid of the essence of… Continue reading Sahaj and Bhagti Score over Empty Scholarships