Tremendous importance has been given to ‘Vidya-ਵਿਦਿਆ’ in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS). ‘Vidya’ is a Sanskrit word meaning science, knowledge, study, education, act of knowing or learning, and… Continue reading Brahm Giyani
Category: Giaanee, Giyani, Giani
The Gurmukh Never Grows Old!
A Sikh is supposed to be a lifelong learner. Because as long as one is learning he/she is not old. That being said, the Wisdom of the Gurbani in Sri… Continue reading The Gurmukh Never Grows Old!
Gurbani Asks Burn Mind’s Bikaar
The shadow of vices / Bikaar (also spelt ‘Vikaar‘) — lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride; and their countless variations — stalks behind Righteousness or Virtues up to last moment until… Continue reading Gurbani Asks Burn Mind’s Bikaar
A Real Spiritual Person is no Killjoy
The popular picture of a spiritual or Dhaarmic person is presented as someone freeloader (‘ਮਖਟੂ’) with a flowing beard, serious looking, grim-faced, busy correcting and guiding others, no time or… Continue reading A Real Spiritual Person is no Killjoy
Keep Aimed at Target
The Gurmat Giaan or Wisdom of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) indicates that a person who continuously keeps the sword of Giaan (‘ਗਿਆਨੁ ਖੜਗੁ’- the sword of Wisdom) is… Continue reading Keep Aimed at Target