‘Brahm Giyani‘ is not a title or degree that can be given to somebody by somebody. However theses days there seems to be more Brahm Giyani than Sikhs! Who gave… Continue reading Gurbani Defines Brahm Giyani
Category: Giaanee, Giyani, Giani
The Gurmukh Never Grows Old!
A Sikh is supposed to be a lifelong learner. Because as long as one is learning he/she is not old. The Enlightening Message embedded within the Guru Shabad asks us… Continue reading The Gurmukh Never Grows Old!
Gurbani Asks Burn Mind’s Bikaar
The shadow of vices / Bikaar (also spelt ‘Vikaar‘) — lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride; and their countless variations — stalks behind Righteousness or Virtues up to last moment until… Continue reading Gurbani Asks Burn Mind’s Bikaar
A Real Spiritual Person is no Killjoy
The popular picture of a spiritual or Dhaarmic person is presented as someone freeloader (‘ਮਖਟੂ’) with a flowing beard, serious looking, grim-faced, busy correcting and guiding others, no time or… Continue reading A Real Spiritual Person is no Killjoy
Keep Aimed at Target
The Gurmat Giaan or Wisdom of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) indicates that a person who continuously keeps the sword of Giaan (‘ਗਿਆਨੁ ਖੜਗੁ’- the sword of Wisdom) is… Continue reading Keep Aimed at Target